Friday, June 22, 2007


Two hours into vacation and we have just passed the Amana Colonies. Shortly after Iowa City we came to a standstill. 45 minites later we reached the source - about 10 state troopers and a jack-knifed semi pulling what was supposed to be half of someone's home on the side of the road.

Weather's not so good. For a while we thought we were driving into our doom, but I think we're past the worst of the storm now. ETA: Um... maybe not. Looking really ugly just west of us.

Also, did you know that South Dakota is so hard up for residents, they're advertising on Iowa radio. "Start a new life in Watertown, SD!" the friendly radio voice urges. They have a lovely jingle too. Puts the Deerbrook jingle to shame.

7:20 PM and 279 miles to Lincoln!


  1. OK, so now I have to comment.... been reading from the top down cuz wuz too lazy to scroll to bottom of page and read in chronological order... but my sis, her husband and her son just moved to Watertown! And her other son moved to Ogalalla a few months back and there was one other reference you made that related to my family but I have already forgotten what it was... will go back and find it!
    Carrie D.

  2. My sis, her husband and son just moved to Watertown from Council Bluffs - I'll have to ask them if it was because of the radio ads...

  3. We neglected to tell you that this vacation was just a ploy to visit carrie d.'s family sites. We think we hit at least 75% of them. Would have seen more, if only we had a litle more time.
